Using the API

The zlog library provides a high-performance, strongly consistent shared-log abstraction, and may be used directly as a basis for a distributed service or application.

Shared-Log Service

A log is created by first providing an instance of a storage backend. We provide here an example of instantiating an instance of the in-memory backend.

Development Backend

The following code snippet creates a new log instance using the LMDB development storage backend.

#include <zlog/log.h>

zlog::Log *log;
int ret = zlog::Log::Create("lmdb", "mylog",
  {{"path", "/tmp/zlog.tmp.db"}}, "", "", &log);

Now the log is ready to use. Next we’ll go over the basic log operations. Note that there are other ways to construct log instances that provide low-level customization if the most common case isn’t sufficient.

Appending to the log

In the following code snippet a string is appended to the log which returns the position at which the string was stored. Finally the string at the reported position is read back and verified.

const std::string input = "My first log entry";

uint64_t pos;
int ret = log.Append(Slice(input), &pos);
assert(ret == 0);

Once an append occurs it is immutable and cannot be changed (the exception to this rule is garbage collection. see below for the trim operation).

Reading from the log

Any position in the log may be read. If valid data exists it will be returned, and log entries that have not been written or have been filled or garbage collected will return appropriate error messages. In the following snippet we verify the data written in the previous example.

std::string output;
int ret = log.Read(pos, &output);
assert(ret == 0);

assert(input == ouput);

Check log tail

The Log::CheckTail method is used to query the sequencer service about the current tail of the log. The position returned by the Log::CheckTail method is the position that the next append will be written to. This method is useful determining how much of the log must be read to be up-to-date with other processes in the system.

uint64_t tail;
int ret = log.CheckTail(&tail);
assert(ret == 0);

std::cout << "next append position: " << tail << std::endl;

Filling a log position

The fill operation is a light-weight mechanism for invalidating a log entry and is analogous to an application writing data to a log entry that all other clients would consider a junk value. This is useful when clients are processing the log in strict serial order: if a writer is slow a reader may fill a log position in order to make forward progress. Other readers will always skip the position without concern for missing an entry because any writer to the filled position will be forced to retry an append.

std::string output;
int ret = log.Read(pos, &output);
if (ret == zlog::NOT_WRITTEN) {
  ret = log.Fill(pos);
  if (ret == zlog::READ_ONLY) {
    // try the read again. it was a race
  } else {
    // position filled. read next position

Trimming the log

In order to reclaim space the log supports a trim method that marks a log position for garbage collection. Any readers to the position will receive an error indicated that the log position has been invalidated. It is the responsibility of the application to ensure correctness (e.g. no pointers to the trimmed position exist).

int ret = log.Trim(pos);
assert(ret == 0);

Asynchronous Operations

Asynchronous versions of the log operations are also available. The zlog library provides a Log::AioCompletion type for managing the context of an asynchronous operation. First create an instance of Log::AioCompletion using Log::aio_create_completion():

Log::AioCompletion *c = Log::aio_create_completion();

const std::string input = "Hello log";
uint64_t position;

int ret = log.AioAppend(c, Slice(input), &position);
assert(ret == 0);

After log::AioAppend returns the completion object can be used to determine the state of the append operation.

c->WaitForComplete(); // block until the operation finishes
assert(c->ReturnValue() == 0); // success
std::cout << "appended data at: " << position << std:::endl;
delete c; // clean-up

Asynchronous Callbacks

Rather than waiting on the operation to complete, a callback can be specified when creating the completion object. In the following example we use an AioState type to keep track of the context. In the following example an asynchronous read is issued and the data read is printed to standard out in the callback handler.

First define the callback context and the callback handler:

struct AioState {
  Log::AioCompletion *c;
  std::string output;

static void aio_cb(AioState *state)
  assert(state->c->ReturnValue() == 0); // success?

  std::cout << "data read: " << state->output << std::endl;

  delete state->c;
  delete state;

Now create the context objects and issue the asynchronous read:

AioState *state = new AioState;
state->c = zlog::Log::aio_create_completion(std::bind(aio_cb, state));
int ret = log->AioRead(pos, state->c, &state->data);
assert(ret == 0);

// do other stuff while I/O completes

Java Bindings

View the auto-generated JavaDoc pages for the ZLog Java bindings.