Welcome to ZLog

ZLog is a strong consistent shared-log designed to run at high-performance over distributed storage systems. It is an implementation of the CORFU protocol, and currently operates on top of the Ceph software-defined storage system (with a pluggable storage backend). There are language bindings for C/C++, Java, and Go.


We welcome and encourage people to learn and contribute to the ZLog project. If you are looking for ways to get started, we use the E-easy and E-intermediate labels to tag issues that are good candidates for new contributors.

Building from source

Clone a copy of the source tree which can be found at https://github.com/cruzdb/zlog. When cloning the source repository be sure to use --recursive to also fetch the sub-modules. If you forget to use --recursive then you can fetch them later using git submodule update --init --recursive.

git clone --recursive https://github.com/cruzdb/zlog.git

The base set of dependencies required to build ZLog can be installed by running the script install-dep.sh found in the root of the source tree.


The install-deps.sh has been tested on Fedora, RHEL/CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, and MacOS (using homebrew). Please contact us (see Community) if you have any issues getting started.

cd zlog

Once the dependencies have been installed the tree can be built using cmake. By default only the LMDB storage backend will be built. This is suitable for development and testing, but in order to run ZLog in production a distributed storage engine such as Ceph should be used.

cmake .
make install

Run a basic set of unit tests using the development backend. For information on testing a specific storage engine refer to the documentation on a given storage engine.


Next read about the storage engines that ZLog can use to provide high-performance reliable storage for your log.