Storage Backends

The development backend is meant for testing and development, and the Ceph backend is designed to provide high-performance and reliability.

Development Backend

The development backend is based on the LMDB database. It is built-in automatically so there are no additional steps required to make it available.

Ceph Backend

Running ZLog on Ceph provides high-performance, durability, and scalability. In order to use Ceph the ZLog library must be built with Ceph support, and a special ZLog plugin loaded into your Ceph cluster.

Building ZLog With Ceph Support

The ZLog tree will build with Ceph support automatically if the RADOS development packages are installed. Typically this can be accomplished using your package manager of choice.

apt-get install librados-dev

# or on fedora/rhel/centos:
yum install -y librados-devel


Please refer to the Ceph documentation for complete instructions on installing Ceph on your platform.

Once the RADOS development package is installed run (or re-run) CMake and build. The build system should report that RADOS was found and that the Ceph backend will be built.

cmake -DWITH_CEPH=ON .
# -- Found LIBRADOS: /usr/lib/
# -- Building Ceph backend /usr/lib/

That’s it. Now ZLog can communicate with Ceph, but the Ceph plugin still needs to be built and installed.

Building the Ceph Plugin


See the next section below for Jewel support.

The easiest way to build the Ceph plugin is to use the script found in the ZLog source tree. This script builds the plugin for a variety of OS distributions and Ceph versions.

The following example shows how to use the script to build the plugin for the Ceph luminous release targetting an OSD running ubuntu:xenial. After the build completes the plugin can be found in a local directory named libcls_zlog_ubuntu<identifier>:

$> docker/ -i ubuntu:xenial -c luminous

[nwatkins@martini zlog]$ ls -l libcls_zlog_ubuntu\:xenial.luminous/
total 740
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 nwatkins nwatkins     16 Jun  5 22:37 ->
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 nwatkins nwatkins     20 Jun  5 22:37 ->
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 nwatkins nwatkins 754704 Jun  5 22:37

The script has been tested with the following configurations. Please contact us if you need a different configuration, such as support for an older version of Ceph (see Community to get in touch with us).

  • Luminous v12.0.0 (or newer)
    • ubuntu:{trusty,xenial}
    • debian:jessie
    • fedora:{24,25}
    • centos:7

Notes on Jewel Support

This section is only relevant for Jewel. The following notes are for building the Ceph ZLog plugin from source for Jewel. The Jewel plugin is not included in our CI system. Please let us know if you have any issue on other distributions.

# grab the source tree with the plugin
git clone --recursive --branch=zlog/jewel \
cd ceph

# prepare the build

apt-get install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
# or yum/dnf install protobuf-devel protobuf-compiler


# build the plugin
cd src
make cls/zlog/

The resulting plugin is located in the .libs directory:

nwatkins@node0:/mnt/data/ceph/src$ ls -l .libs | grep libcls_zlog
-rw-r--r-- 1 nwatkins zlog-PG0     82 Aug  3 15:34 libcls_zlog.exp
lrwxrwxrwx 1 nwatkins zlog-PG0     17 Aug  3 15:34 -> ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 nwatkins zlog-PG0   1021 Aug  3 15:34 libcls_zlog.lai
-rwxr-xr-x 1 nwatkins zlog-PG0 899808 Aug  3 15:34

Below in the installation section, use the generated .so file in place of the libraries produced by Docker.


The Ceph plugin library needs to be copied onto each OSD in your cluster so that Ceph can find it at runtime. In the code snippet below the folder containing the plugin, libcls_zlog_<identifer> will be named according to the configuration it was built with. For example, libcls_zlog_ubuntu:xenial_luminous. Copy the libraries into the rados-classes directory, found at /usr/lib/rados-classes and Debian-based systems, and /usr/lib64/rados-classes on Fedora, CentOS, and RHEL.

sudo cp -a libcls_zlog_<identifer>/* /usr/lib/rados-classes

# or on fedora/rhel/centos
sudo cp -a libcls_zlog_<identifer>/* /usr/lib64/rados-classes

A note about Jewel support. When installing from Jewel, if you followed the Jewel-specific instructions above, then you’ll want to install the plugin like this:

sudo cp -a .libs/ /usr/lib/rados-classes

# or on fedora/rhel/centos
sudo cp -a .libs/ /usr/lib64/rados-classes


The plugin requires (1) Google Protocol buffers to be installed on the OSDs, and (2) Ceph must be configured to support external plugins. See next:

Install Google Protocol Buffers using your system’s package manager. This must be done on each node in the system running an OSD:

# Debian-based systems
apt-get install libprotobuf-dev

# CentOS, Fedora, RHEL
yum install protobuf-devel

Configure Ceph to allow external plugins by adding the following to ceph.conf, either system wide or locally on each OSD ndoe.

osd class load list = *
osd class default list = *


Each OSD needs to be restarted after editing the ceph.conf configuration. After installing the plugin, each OSD needs to be restarted only if the installation is an upgrade of the plugin.

Run Ceph-backed tests

Once everything is setup test out the Ceph backend by running the unit tests. You’ll need to start the ZLog sequencer for these tests.

zlog-seqr --port 5678 --streams --daemon